Local Leaders in Solid and Fluid Waste Handling
Local Leaders in Solid and Fluid Waste Handling
Local Leaders in Solid and Fluid Waste Handling
24 hour fleet repair service
Get covered 24/7/365 with our automotive and fleet repair services.
Tuc’s is the leader in Fluid Hauling in the Fort McMurray oil sands region
Transporting millions of litres
TUC’S provides the leading, high volume, potable water and waste water service in the Fort McMurray oil sands region. We partner with oil sands site plants, camps, commercial and industrial customers to provide fluid and waste services that are essential to their success.
100% Aboriginal ownership and a proud part of the local Wood Buffalo Community for 20 years.
Leading Safety Performer
Tuc’s is COR certified and approved to provide services on all site in the Wood Buffalo Region. Tuc’s promotes a safe work environment through our HSE management program for all employees. Health and safety is continually monitored by our dedicated team of field supervisors and management. As a result, Tuc’s recently celebrated 2 Million Man Hours LTI free.